Nvivo is the only software for qualitative analysis
Nvivo is the only software for qualitative analysis

nvivo is the only software for qualitative analysis

No prior knowledge of NVivo is needed however, the course would be suitable as a refresher.

  • To analyse qualitative data in a transparent, reproducible way so that teams can work on the database.
  • To produce queries, word clouds, and models that help with the analysis of qualitative data.
  • To explore basic, intermediate and advanced menu options in NVivo.
  • Examples of qualitative and mixed methods research will be presented to showcase how NVivo can be used to manage large amounts of various data. Included will be working in teams, adding in notes, importing files, and using NVivo for managing literature.

    nvivo is the only software for qualitative analysis

    The various uses of NVivo will be presented and discussed. Among the techniques we teach are: coding, adding attributes, queries, models, and charts. Those attending the training session will have access to data sets for practical sessions and can also bring their own data to use in the practical parts of the session. The structure of the training session will be a combination of formal presentation alongside the practical application. This course introduces NVivo as a data management tool. Please note: this is not guaranteed and is considered on a case by case basis. These places are awarded in order of application. Fee: £195 (£140 for those from educational, government and charitable institutions).ĬMI offers up to five subsidised places at a reduced rate of £60 per course day to research staff and students within Humanities at The University of Manchester.

    Nvivo is the only software for qualitative analysis